Project Deadline Fast Approaching

This past week, my brother Jonathan and I tried to attend an event at the Irish Railroad Museum but unfortunately, they were closed when we were told to be there. My brother however was able to attend a walking tour this past Saturday which he said he liked. My recent work on this project lead me to conduct an interview with Jameka at the Black Cherry Puppet Theater which went really well. Michael Lamason was full of knowledge and brought a different perspective to the project. He unfortunately cannot be there for the event on May 12th, but he would like to be updated about the class project on the UMBC website.

During class this past week, some classmates and I were able to share the information and our individual progress for the project, conduct further interviews with our potential leads, and were able to speak to some residents in the market area. I was further tasked toward the end of class to create a mini narrative for the zine project. I believe the writing I created will accent the project well and tell a story about the Black Cherry Puppet Theater that brings the reader closer to the environment by the tone of the writing itself. We as a class are almost toward the end of the semester and presenting our project. I am excited to see what other people have done for the project thus far this week and I look forward to being able to finalize and organize the project and present it to the public come May 12th. I look forward to next class and the discussions that will come!


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