
Showing posts from April, 2018

24APR2018-New Post

To add to my most recent post, I think a general theme that keeps occurring throughout my reading of the completed interviews was "Future Business Directions" and "Missed Opportunities." The reason for the "Future Business Directions" is that each person that the class has interviewed has mentioned something about their current business model, what they have seen today that works and does not work, and also where they plan on taking their business in the future as far as the business interviews go. For the "Missed Opportunities" theme, it feels like the residents and businesses that we interviewed failed to initially address their individual goals. To go along with this, the people that were interviewed may also feel the organizations and individuals who were or are supposed to be helping them out have also contributed to their success not being to their standards. I think this might be beneficial at least to bring up to the class and pos

Project Deadline Fast Approaching

This past week, my brother Jonathan and I tried to attend an event at the Irish Railroad Museum but unfortunately, they were closed when we were told to be there. My brother however was able to attend a walking tour this past Saturday which he said he liked. My recent work on this project lead me to conduct an interview with Jameka at the Black Cherry Puppet Theater which went really well. Michael Lamason was full of knowledge and brought a different perspective to the project. He unfortunately cannot be there for the event on May 12th, but he would like to be updated about the class project on the UMBC website. During class this past week, some classmates and I were able to share the information and our individual progress for the project, conduct further interviews with our potential leads, and were able to speak to some residents in the market area. I was further tasked toward the end of class to create a mini narrative for the zine project. I believe the writing I created will a

The Journey Continues

Last week the market crew stepped out to do some field work in the Hollins Market, talking to various civilians and vendors in the market. All with the goal of trying to secure an interview for the class project. We managed to get a few leads but most of the residents in the area were not too intrigued. As the project continues, I look forward to being able to speak to other new people to hopefully have the opportunity of having an interview for our fast approaching deadlines. As far as the interviews for the project goes, I managed to interview Michael Lamason; the Black Cherry Puppet Theater director, in person. This interview was conducted with Jameka Monday 16APR2018 at 7pm. The interview went really well and each question that we had for him was answered very thoroughly. Michael was extremely intrigued in our project and takes notice of students like us sparking an interest in his beloved neighborhood. There are many comments to share that Michael brought up, but I'd rather

Team Market and Team Business Interviews

This past week, I was placed in a group with my brother Jonathan and Sydney in our class. We were tasked to go out into Hollins Market and try not only to talk to people and build relationships with them, but also to be able to interview them in the near furture for our upcoming project that will have its debut on 12MAY2018. My group and I talked to some pretty awesome people in the market. In total we talked to 3 residents and 3 vendors. The residents were not too thrilled with uas requesting to schedule an interview with them but the vendors in the market were more inclined to help because they saw the whole class on our previous Hollins Market tour and throughout Hollins itself. I would like to get out into the market at the beginning of class so that there will be more people in the market to speak to and build rapport with. I believe if the residents in the market see our faces more often and if we promote the project in a non-confrontatational manner, we will be able to get some

Project Moving along Smoothly

As an update from last week, the class received feedback on our project ideas so far from fellow colleagues and people that have taken the course previously. Their feedback was very constructive and I believe we have a few more changes to make to our project before it is fully ready for the public. The feedback specifically from Curtis was worthwhile because he gave us insight into what he felt the community would like to see more of and brought a sense of home to the project overall in my opinion. The guests that evaluated our progress so far were impressed with the work we had done and seem intrigued to see the continuation of this progress and the final result as well. In my opinion, the place map was an outstanding idea and something that I have never seen before put into presentations such as this, so I am excited to see what comes from it. As for an update on my individual progress for the project, I have made contact with Michael Lamason again at the Black Cherry Puppet Theate